Category Archives: SEO Tools

Design Mobile Friendly Site

Do I need to Design Mobile Friendly Site?

If you are just in the design phase of your website or already have a website, it is important to know the changes that Google will be making as of April 21, 2015.  On that date Google’s Ranking Algorithm will change.  This change is to accommodate the internet mobile users, in order to make sure you Design Mobile Friendly Site please read on for some tests you can easily perform.

Design Mobile Friendly Site

Continue reading Design Mobile Friendly Site

Foundation of a Blog

Plan Your Website Structure

The Foundation of a Blog is the process of organizing your site.  When you plan your website structure you are able to proceed in logical steps with your website content.   This will allow you to easily execute additional posts or pages that expand your site while maintaining it as it continues to grow.

Foundation of a Blog Continue reading Foundation of a Blog

What is Page Optimization?

What is Page Optimization?

To answer this question – What is Page Optimization?   Page Optimization is reviewing and then utilizing all of the available optimization  tools  for the best Search Engine Optimization of your site.  It is considered that there are two main kinds of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  The first is called Onpage or Onsite Optimization.  The second is called Offpage or Offsite Optimization. Continue reading What is Page Optimization?

Basic Blogging Don’ts

Basic Blogging Don’ts

When I began my first site, I started putting this list together of Basic Blogging Don’ts to help keep myself on track as I was writing.   I have since reorganized the list and put them in a more readable order.   I would like to share this how to of blogging with you.  These are just  from my own blogging experience.  Hopefully my basic blogging don’ts will help you too but again there are no specific rules just opinions.

Basic Blogging Don'ts
Basic Blogging Don’ts

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