Category Archives: Time Management

Summer Tips With Kids

When school is out for the summer

Where we live, there are about 4 weeks left until school is out for the summer.  My online business allows me to work a flexibleSummer Tips With Kids schedule year round but working during the school year is simply different than working during the summer months. Now is the time to think about Summer Tips With Kids, since they will soon be out of school and at home.  If you also find yourself in this situation, you will need to find a way to have a balance of work with life during the summer months. Continue reading Summer Tips With Kids

A Balance of Work with Life

While working from home find a balance with your family life!

Are you finding it difficult to focus on your work while your family life is all around you?   That is only natural so let’s talk about how to have a balance of work with life.  You wanted or needed to work from home and now you have a flexible schedule so make sure that you are productive with your valuable time.

Focus on a Balance of Work with Life Continue reading A Balance of Work with Life